G A I U V S .C O M
来源:无人机应用网 | 作者:华少 | 发布时间: 413天前 | 265 次浏览 | 分享到:


Introduction: During natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and flash floods, ground base stations are often destroyed, and communication infrastructure in disaster areas is damaged and unable to provide communication services, which greatly hinders the implementation of rescue operations. Unmanned aerial vehicle base stations are not limited by the basic communication facilities in disaster areas and can quickly provide reliable communication on a large scale for disaster areas.


Note: Only basic equipment information is recommended, details can be consulted!



The drone base station is not limited by the basic communication facilities in disaster areas, and can quickly provide reliable communication over a large range in the form of master-slave drones. The master-slave drone is a fixed aerial base station that can provide reliable communication coverage for the emergency communication control center.

An aerial base station flying in a circular trajectory centered around the main drone, providing communication coverage for edge users. Drones can be divided into fixed wing and rotary wing drones. Fixed wing drones can maintain continuous flight in the air, while rotary wing drones can hover in the air.



In drone relay communication, there are differences in the channels between task drones and relay drones, as well as between relay drones and ground control terminals.

The data link before the drone was divided into uplink and downlink. The uplink is a remote control link, which sends command information from the ground control terminal to the drone; The downlink is a telemetry link, which transmits telemetry information from the drone to the ground control station.

无人机作为移动中继可以根据任务部署,成本效益高,移动性好,并且比起传统的固定中继具有灵活的 3D 位置,飞行轨迹等更多的可优化维度,可以提高通信性能。

As a mobile relay, drones can be deployed according to tasks, with high cost-effectiveness, good mobility, and more optimized dimensions such as flexible 3D positions and flight trajectories compared to traditional fixed relays, which can improve communication performance.


Affected by rainstorm for several days, several regions in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei were hit by mountain torrents, and the main high-speed channel was blocked, which led to water and power outages and communication isolation.

推荐产品:联合飞机 TD220 共轴无人直升机









Recommended product: United Aircraft TD220 Coaxial Unmanned Helicopter

Body size: 2.16m × 1.01m × 1.76m (length × wide × High)

Maximum takeoff weight: 350kg

Task radius: 100km

Maximum payload: 50kg

Maximum parallel flight speed: 100km/h

Practical ceiling: 3500m

Endurance time: > 4h (load 50kg) 5h (load 35kg)

Wind resistance: Wind resistance level 6 (12m/sec)


Users should choose one or more products to use in combination based on their actual situation. Temporary multi rotor base stations, multi rotor long-term stranded base stations, fixed wing aerial base stations, etc. The choice between ensuring current emergency rescue communication or restoring civilian communication within the surrounding area depends on the situation. Of course, if the equipment resources are sufficient, it can be carried out simultaneously to comprehensively implement communication rescue.


Recommended departments: emergency rescue, border patrol, electricity, communication