G A I U V S .C O M
来源:无人机应用网 | 作者:华少 | 发布时间: 411天前 | 256 次浏览 | 分享到:


Introduction: In the face of extreme weather conditions such as earthquakes, mudslides, and blizzards, there is a high demand for rescue material transportation, and drone launchers can effectively solve these problems. As the load of drones increases, they can be equipped with droppers to transport items to designated locations. The application of drone launchers is also becoming increasingly widespread.


Note: Only basic equipment information is recommended, details can be consulted!



At present, drones have been applied in various fields such as personnel positioning search and rescue, long-distance video transmission, placement positioning, and medical rescue equipment, undertaking tasks such as monitoring, exploration, and search.

For example, after receiving a report of a person falling into the water at sea, the drone can take off from the nearest rescue boat and immediately discover and locate the specific location of the person in distress from the air.



Unmanned aerial vehicles can ignore geographical limitations and quickly arrive at the rescue site. They can quickly drop rescue supplies, greatly improving their success rate in rescue.

Due to its small size and strong maneuverability, as well as its functions such as aerial reconnaissance, shouting, delivery, and video transmission, drones have been widely used in various rescue operations in recent years for real-time monitoring and tracking, accurate collection of disaster information, and providing support for on-site rescue decision-making.

受连日暴雨影响,京津冀多个地区遭遇山洪,高速主通道堵塞,陷入停水停电、通信隔绝的困境!近日,在房山灾区,航景创新 FWH-1500无人直升机从临时起降点鸣泉山寨起飞,按预定航线飞往目的地佛子庄乡循环经济产业园,凌晨0点35分到达任务点上空,成功空投60公斤物资,飞机全自主安全返回,飞行总航程40公里,总航时35分钟,成功完成投送任务!

Affected by rainstorm for several days, many regions in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have suffered mountain torrents, and the main highway channel has been blocked, which has led to water and power cuts and communication isolation! Recently, in the Fangshan disaster area, the Airscape Innovation FWH-1500 unmanned helicopter took off from the temporary takeoff and landing point Mingquan Mountain Stronghold and flew to the destination Fozizhuang Township Circular Economy Industrial Park according to the scheduled route. It arrived over the task point at 0:35 a.m. and successfully dropped 60kg of materials. The aircraft returned safely and autonomously, with a total flight distance of 40km and a total flight time of 35 minutes. The mission was successfully completed!

推荐产品:航景创新 FWH-1500型无人直升机










Recommended product:  Flightwin FWH-1500 Unmanned Helicopter

Body size: 7.3m × 1.9m × 2.3m (length × wide × High)

Rotor diameter: 8m

Maximum takeoff weight: 1000kg

Control radius: < 100km

Task load: 300kg

Maximum flight speed: 190km/h

Practical ceiling: 6500m

Endurance: 5h

Wind resistance: ≤ Level 7 wind



Material delivery drones generally have the characteristic of large load capacity and can quickly drop emergency rescue supplies to the trapped people in a short period of time.

When selecting drones, priority should be given to well-known manufacturers and highly integrated drone products, in order to ensure the safety of the flight platform as much as possible. When handling, it is necessary to pay attention to the throwing distance and height to prevent objects from falling and hitting the rescued person.


Recommended departments: Fire protection, Public security,rescue team