G A I U V S .C O M
来源:无人机应用网 | 作者:华少 | 发布时间: 201天前 | 215 次浏览 | 分享到:


Introduction: With the development of technology, drones have become a part of our daily lives. One notable application is the use of laser induced dizziness technology to enhance the functionality of drones. This technology utilizes the beam of laser to generate strong visual interference in the air, thereby achieving the goal of confusing or even temporarily paralyzing enemy targets.


Note: Only basic equipment information is recommended, details can be consulted!


Target recognition and interference: Aerial laser dizziness technology can effectively interfere with the enemy's line of sight, making it difficult to accurately identify and target. This not only reduces the enemy's ability to counter drones, but also reduces potential damage.


Advantages in special environment: In complex environment or severe weather conditions, such as heavy fog, rainstorm, snowstorm, etc., the UAV may not work normally. However, through laser dizziness technology, drones can play their role in these environments, providing important information collection and monitoring capabilities.


High concealment: The operation of laser induced drones usually does not attract the attention of the enemy, as they move extremely fast in the air and the laser beam is difficult to detect with the naked eye when propagating in the air. This gives laser induced drones significant advantages in performing covert tasks.


Although aerial laser dizziness technology has many advantages, safety issues still need to be fully considered when using it. Excessive laser power may cause damage to the human eye, so it is necessary to ensure that the operation of the drone complies with relevant safety standards to prevent accidents from occurring. At the same time, in order to avoid accidental injury to the ground or other aerial vehicles, reasonable laser control mechanisms should be set up, such as automatic shutdown or light limiting functions.

推荐产品:鹰眼电子 多用途无人机+致眩模块










Recommended product: Eagle Eye Electronic Multipurpose Drone+Dazzling Module

Power system: electric

Maximum lifting capacity: 10.3kg

Maximum load capacity: 3.5kg

Maximum endurance: 47min

Practical ceiling: 1500m

Wind resistance: Level 6

Horizontal flying speed: 74km/h

Effective measurement and control distance: 5.5km

Size: 1170 x 600 x 270mm


Overall, the aerial laser dizziness technology of drones, with its unique advantages, has opened up new possibilities for the development of drones. It not only enhances the functionality of drones, but also improves their adaptability in various environments. In the future, we look forward to seeing more innovative laser induced drone applications emerge, bringing more convenience and safety to our lives.


Recommended departments: Police station, counter-terrorism emergency department