G A I U V S .C O M
来源:无人机应用网 | 作者:无人机应用网 | 发布时间: 180天前 | 175 次浏览 | 分享到:


Introduction: With the development of technology, drones have played an important role in many fields, especially in long-term emergency search and rescue. Drones have many advantages, such as high efficiency, flexibility, safety, and reusability, making them an important tool for long-term emergency search and rescue. With the continuous development and application of drones, it is believed that they will play a more important role in future emergency search and rescue work.


Note: Only basic equipment information is recommended, details can be consulted!


Firstly, long-range drones can greatly improve search efficiency. Drones can conduct aerial searches in areas that traditional rescue methods cannot access, reducing the waste of manpower and time. Compared to traditional manual search, drones are not limited by terrain and weather conditions, and can complete search tasks more quickly and comprehensively. Moreover, even at night or in harsh weather, drones can continue to operate, improving the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the search.


Secondly, long-range drones can provide high-resolution image and video information. By equipped with high-definition cameras, drones can capture details that are difficult to observe with the naked eye, helping rescue personnel more accurately locate trapped individuals or wreckage of crashed aircraft. These images and video information can not only provide intuitive on-site conditions, but also provide decision-making basis for rescue personnel, helping to develop more effective rescue plans.


Furthermore, another advantage of long-range drones in emergency search and rescue is their high cost-effectiveness. Compared to traditional ground search, drones have lower usage costs, do not require extensive training and professional operation, and reduce search and rescue costs. In addition, the maintenance cost of drones is relatively low, which reduces operational risks.


In addition, long-range drones also have flexibility and scalability. Due to the portability and reusability of drones, they can be quickly deployed and recovered in different search and rescue missions. In addition, with the development of technology, the technology of drones is also constantly improving, which can carry more sensors and devices to provide more support for rescue work.

推荐产品:天峋创新 BG-160 无人机

全长:3930 mm

高度:1775.5 mm

翼展:8000 mm

载重能力:75 kg (含燃油)

最大安全起飞重量:170 kg

巡航速度:28 m/s(固定翼)

续航时间:6 h @ 30 kg

实用升限:5000 m(固定翼)




Recommended product: VOLITATION BG-160 Drone

Total length: 3930 mm

Height: 1775.5 mm

Wing span: 8000 mm

Load capacity: 75 kg (including fuel)

Maximum safe takeoff weight: 170 kg

Cruise speed: 28 m/s (fixed wing)

Battery life: 6 h @ 30 kg

Practical ceiling: 5000 m (fixed wing)

Operating temperature: -20 ° C-50 ° C

Wind resistance level: takeoff and landing level 5/flight level 6

Application scope: Rapid reconnaissance of complex terrain, emergency communication relay, maritime patrol, forest fire prevention, disaster search and rescue, equipment delivery, medium and short distance logistics transportation, etc.


In the face of future challenges and opportunities, we need to continue to pay attention to the technological development of drones, improve their safety, adaptability, and reliability. At the same time, we also need to strengthen the formulation and improvement of relevant regulations and standards, providing a safer and more standardized environment for the application of drones. Only in this way can we fully leverage the advantages of long-range drones in emergency search and rescue, and bring more convenience and contribution to rescue work.


Recommended departments: Emergency rescue agencies