G A I U V S .C O M
来源:无人机应用网 | 作者:华少 | 发布时间: 391天前 | 245 次浏览 | 分享到:


Introduction: Drone application solutions can help logistics enterprises quickly expand and occupy vast rural markets without increasing development and labor costs, which has strong attraction for logistics enterprises and promising commercial prospects. At present, logistics giants such as JD, SF Express, and Cainiao are all testing and conducting targeted trials of the "last mile" drone delivery solution.


Note: Only basic equipment information is recommended, details can be consulted!


In some mountainous areas, ground transportation is inconvenient, transportation costs are extremely high, and they are also severely affected by the natural climate. Especially in the north, once winter enters, wind and snow weather becomes the norm, which becomes a serious obstacle for 'express delivery to the village'. To solve the problem of difficult distribution in mountainous and rural areas, actively explore the feasibility of drone distribution.


1. 高效快速:无人机可以直接从起飞点到目的地的最短路径上空飞行,避免地面交通拥堵和路况限制,大大缩短交货时间。

2. 灵活性:无人机可以在较小的空间内起降,不受地面交通网络的限制,可以灵活应对复杂的交通环境和地形条件。

3. 成本效益:无人机物流相对于传统的物流方式,可以减少人力成本、车辆维护成本和燃料成本等,提高物流效率和降低运营成本。


5. 环境友好:无人机的电力驱动和垂直起降特性使其在使用过程中几乎不会产生尾气排放和噪音污染,更加环保。

6. 应急响应:在灾难救援和紧急医疗物资运输等情况下,无人机物流可以快速响应并提供急需的物资支持,提高应急响应能力。

Advantages of logistics drones

1. Efficient and fast: Drones can fly directly over the shortest path from the takeoff point to the destination, avoiding ground traffic congestion and road conditions, greatly reducing delivery time.

2. Flexibility: Drones can take off and land in a small space, without being limited by ground transportation networks, and can flexibly cope with complex traffic environments and terrain conditions.

3. Cost effectiveness: Compared to traditional logistics methods, drone logistics can reduce labor costs, vehicle maintenance costs, and fuel costs, improve logistics efficiency, and reduce operating costs.

4. Improve coverage: Drones can cover areas that are difficult for traditional logistics to reach, such as mountainous areas, water areas, and desolate areas, providing convenient logistics services for people in remote areas.

5. Environmentally friendly: The electric drive and vertical takeoff and landing characteristics of drones make them almost free from exhaust emissions and noise pollution during use, making them more environmentally friendly.

6. Emergency response: In situations such as disaster relief and emergency medical material transportation, drone logistics can quickly respond and provide urgently needed material support, improving emergency response capabilities.


In June 2020, Zhongtong Express conducted a test flight in Xunyang, Ankang. The drone delivering birthday gifts took off from Xunyang County and flew to Zongxi Town 35 kilometers away. The land transportation distance between the two places was 55 kilometers, and due to poor road conditions in mountainous areas, it took about 80 minutes to drive.


Under normal weather conditions, drone delivery only takes 40 minutes. The drone takes off from the Zhongtong branch in Xunyang County and automatically flies according to the preset path. After arriving at the landing point in Zongxi Town, it automatically lands. The staff will retrieve the package and hand it over to the recipient.

推荐产品:驼航科技 驼峰600重载无人直升机









Recommended product: Camel Aviation Technology Camel 600 Heavy Duty Unmanned Helicopter

Takeoff weight: 600kg

Practical ceiling: 6500m

Cruise speed: 105km/h

Maximum speed: 144km/h

Endurance: 3h (net load of 200kg)

Load weight: 250kg

Control radius:<100km

Wind resistance: takeoff and landing level 6, airborne level 7


Large logistics drones have improved the transportation efficiency between two locations, especially in some islands, mountainous areas, and other areas, which can quickly transport high value-added products to the outside world through this method. When purchasing drone products, it is necessary to have a specific understanding of the functions and uses of drones, and legally apply for local airspace and routes.


Recommended departments: express company